In Memory of Lola Mommy: A Grandmother’s Legacy
In Memory of Lola Mommy: A Grandmother’s Legacy

In Memory of Lola Mommy: A Grandmother’s Legacy

As I sit here, reminiscing on this bittersweet day, I can’t help but feel a mix of emotions – joy for the memories and profound sadness for the absence. Today marks what would have been my Lola Mommy’s 90th birthday, a day that once sparkled with laughter, love, and the warmth only she could provide. Last October 24, 2023, she left us, leaving a void that no celebration, be it in the recent Christmas, New Year’s, or her birthday, can quite fill.

The Anchor in My Storms

Growing up, she wasn’t just my grandmother; she was my anchor. From the time I can remember, she took the helm in raising me in my formative years with my brother Kerwin, weaving the fabric of my character with threads of discipline, love, and humor. She was a strict disciplinarian, surpassing even the standards set by my parents. The importance of education was paramount in her eyes, and she kept a watchful eye on my study habits, ensuring that they were nothing short of exemplary. I remember how when my Grade 1 teacher called out that I am writing too slow, she had me copy twenty pages of my book on a piece of paper each day before I am allowed to play — sounds traumatic and torturing but I can say it was truly effective 😛

My brother and I are quite good academically, and in the fierce battleground of academic competitions like Quiz Bees, she stood by me and my brother’s side, a pillar of unwavering support. She attended every event, cheering us on as my brother and I competed against other schools, even challenging quiz masters if there is misinformation on questions that we could have gotten right. I often wondered where she found the energy, but it was her love that fueled her enthusiasm because even in school presentations, she is always present with the crowds and never complained with the heat despite being asthmatic.

Thrifty but Priceless

Her pockets were never deep, but her heart overflowed with generosity. A true matriarch, she was thrifty and resourceful, pinching every penny to provide for our needs. Our family became dependent on her, and she embraced the responsibility with grace. The sacrifices she made, the corners she cut, all spoke of a love that knew no bounds.

Despite her frugal ways, her sense of humor was rich and abundant. She could turn the simplest moments into anecdotes that left everyone in stitches. Her laughter echoed through the halls of our home (just like her yelling too), a melody that still plays in my memories. Up to the times when her age and sickness are starting to take-over, these chuckles sounded better.

More than a Grandma, “Mommy” to All

To our community, she wasn’t just my grandmother; she was “Mommy” to all. Her kindness knew no bounds, and her presence was a source of comfort for anyone lucky enough to know her. She became an icon, a symbol of selfless love and enduring strength. In her, people found a confidante, a friend, and a guiding light.

A Lasting Impression

Her commitment to family didn’t waver as I embarked on a new chapter of my life. She walked down the aisle as my flower girl, radiating a timeless beauty that transcended age. Even then, she insisted on shouldering household chores, determined to contribute in any way she could.

As I reflect on the tapestry of my life, I see her fingerprints everywhere – in my values, my resilience, and my ability to find humor in the darkest of moments. Her legacy lives on, not just in the memories we shared, but in the person I have become.

Though she may no longer be with us in the physical sense, her spirit dances in the wind, whispers in the rustle of leaves, and lives on in the laughter of everyone in the family. She will always be remembered, not just on birthdays or anniversaries, but in the everyday moments that make up the beautiful mosaic of our lives.

Happy birthday, Mommy. Your love is an eternal flame that continues to warm our hearts.

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