Overcoming Depression through the Power of Right Believing
Overcoming Depression through the Power of Right Believing

Overcoming Depression through the Power of Right Believing

The world of social media was shaken by the recent reports of suicide by famous personalities and this has been very alarming. We cannot judge the act but definitely, it is a concern for the public, especially to those who were once inspired by their stories. How could successful, influential, and people of great achievements suffer from obscure level of depression, stress, emotional fatigue, or anxiety – enough to trigger them to take their own lives?

There is one thing that I kept asking myself after hearing about these. What could have changed if these people have a different belief system? From my previous posts, I mentioned how Psychology gave value to one’s belief system as a key factor on people’s abilities, behavior, actions, and emotions towards success. True enough, one’s set of beliefs is powerful, and a change in such can change your life.

Something’s Missing

I firmly believe that inside our hearts is  a space that none can fill – not even money, fame, or success. It can’t be filled by anyone either. This is the reason why people keep on searching for what can make them truly happy. We always long for something and we keep on trying to find it from our friends, from our work, from our loved ones, or from things which can give temporary relief but we end up tired, wasted, and still unsatisfied. Unless you recognize that this space is for God alone to be filled, you will just keep on asking questions, searching places, and looking for answers.

The Power of Right Believing

BELIEVE – that is the key. Here are the seven keys to unleash the power of right believing:

  1. Believe that You are Being Loved

    It’s innate for humans to long for love, whether you admit this or not. We are created as relational beings and we always want to feel being cared for. The good news is – you really are! Even if you feel like no one loves you, Someone does and all you have to do is believe that He really do. John 3:16 states how great His love is that He even gave His Son for you, and He did this not because you have great achievements, you are a good person, or you are successful. He did this while you are a sinner (Romans 5:8).

  2. See Yourself the Way God Sees You

    In this world, people has always something to say. The moment you step out of your door (or sometimes, even within the walls of your own home), you will hear negative things about you – simply because you are imperfect, but you are being honed for perfection. You are on your way there. And as soon as you believe of God’s love for you and the He gave his Son for you, you also have to recognize that He sees you as:

    • His Child (John 1:12)
    • His Chosen People (1 Peter 2:9)
    • Blameless (Ephesians 1:4)
  3. Receive God’s Complete Forgiveness

    Guilt is the enemy. When we fall into sin, we feel that we are no longer lovable, that we have to suffer from the consequences of the sin, and that we have no hope. The love and kindness of the Lord is not meant to make us guilty but to lead us to repentance (Romans 2:4). Remember that the Lord forgives and he wants to take your sin out of the way so you can walk through life (Colossians 2:13-14).

  4. Win the Battle – Have a Changed Mindset

    Our way of thinking is  everything when it comes to dealing with stress. If we try to be more optimistic about everything, we will see that there is hope and our current situation is but a stepping stone. Think about your initial response when your phone rings – you may have a bigger tendency to say, “What is going on again?”, versus “Oh, looks likes I’m up for something interesting!”. The moment you take the public transport, as you look at the person next to you, what are you thinking? God tells us  to think about whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and anything worthy of praise (Philippians 4:8). And don’t forget that you are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17)  and you ought to think different (Romans 12:2)!

  5. Be Free from Self Pre-occupation

    The reason why we feel depressed most of the time is because we are thinking of ourselves more. You can see all the disappointments, all your fears, and all the failures. It is disorienting because we look at ourselves and not on Jesus – an image of perfection, and on the road that we are running on. In order to be less self-pre-occupied:

    • Deny yourself (Matthew 16:24-25)
    • Look to Jesus (Hebrews 12:2, Psalm 63:1-3)
    • Serve Others (Acts 20:35, Philippians 2:3-4)
  6. Expect Great Things to Come

    Your vision plays a big part whether you would still want to wake up tomorrow or not. If you wake up in the morning thinking that it’s going to be as miserable as yesterday, you won’t get up for sure! Think about the greater possibilities ahead of you and look at the opportunities that God has set before you. Remember that your sufferings today is temporary and something great will be revealed soon (Romans 8:18).

  7. Find Rest

    The world today is sooo busy, fast paced, and challenging. At any point, you might feel ready to drop that’s why you need to take quick pauses and recollect yourself. In Matthew 11:28-29, Jesus said, “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”. Also, He wants us to lay down our burdens and anxieties on Him because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). All you need is a quick break and not a hard stop!

Do you feel troubled right now and you need help? Please feel free to send your prayer requests and I’ll be very glad to connect and pray for you. 


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